Tuesday, 12 May 2009

busy busy busy sorry!

Hello! Gotta do a quick catch up, and give the info on this week's menu and shopping costs!

So Friday we had our version of a ready meal, because I had myself an evening of fundraising indulgence booked, and food needed to be quick and easy, and perhaps even not made by me, in order to preserve the "mum's having a break" feeling...
We had pre-flavoured salmon fillets (coriander and lime) from the Morrison's fish counter, ready to bake, cooked in my silicon "papillote" dish, and served with new potatoes and purple sprouting brocolli. Very yum. And cooked by Godfather 1. Heh heh. AND I didn't clear up either! The pampering evening was cool, if rather painful in places. Threading of eyebrows? NEVER AGAIN! I'd rather go through childbirth again...

OK, so the menu plan. Shopping was online again, and was around £40 before the delivery charge. We're now getting the Abel and Cole mixed veg box on a Friday, no fruits, so I picked up fruits in Sainsbury's which added about another £7, but I'm just not that keen on the fruit picked by the in-store shoppers, and I prefer Sainsbury's quality, and I'd had to get Tesco grocery delivery due to the time-slot I'd needed for the delivery.

Saturday - Slow cooker gammon with veg
Sunday - Shepherd's Pie
Monday - Brown Rice veg and lentil stew
Tuesday - risotto made with left over chicken frozen from last week.
Wednesday - sausage meatballs with spaghetti and tomato sauce
Thursday -channa (chickpea) curry and naan
Friday - crispy prawn noodle stir-fry

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