I knew that we'd be going to the church pancake party at 5pm for our helping of lemon and sugar filled gorgeousness, and in fact I'd agreed to make a batch for serving to the families, and so I thought I'd get the kids to at least try to eat something savoury and more nutrient dense first, and I thought Papa and I could always eat a backwards supper and have our savoury course once the kids were in bed. I also wanted to minimise the work for myself, so I decided we'd have savory pancakes - with a twist.
First off I sliced up some nice organic chestnut mushrooms and fried these in a pan with some butter and a glug of garlic oil. I sprinkled in some tarragon after a while. I left these slowly frying towards intense umami deliciousness.
I then made a triple batch of the following recipe which I have used for nearly 20 years, from the Good Housekeeping cookery book. My cookery bible which was a 21st birthday pressie and is still my most reached for reference book.
4oz plain flour
pinch of salt
1 egg
half a pint of milk.
drop of veg oil.
As I did a triple batch, I used a mix of full-cream and semi-skimmed milk, and water. It worked absolutely fine. I usually either whisk this by hand in a big jug, or whizz it up in the Bamix and its jug. But for this large a batch I did it in the Bosch, though I wouldn't say it was especially quick or smooth. Perhaps I should have tried doing it in the blender attachment.
In the meantime I microwaved 6 or 7 lumps of frozen chopped spinach and put them in the Bamix jug. Once the batter was mixed, I took about a third out and added it to the spinach and then blitzted it all together.
(The rest of the batter was used to make the pancakes for the church pancake party.)
I then made 2 pancakes at a time for speed, just like ordinary pancakes, using a small ladle to measure out the right amount to coat the pan not too thickly, on a medium heat so it doesn't set so quickly that you can't tilt it to coat the base.
No, I didn't toss them. I have very weak wrists and need to save my strength in them for typing these blog posts or knitting! ;oP
I served these up with some of the mushrooms and a dollop of soured cream.
I won't pretend every one loved these, but I certainly did, and I'm sure many of my readers will too. Yes, I know it's Lent, but who actually gives up the ingredients of pancakes in Lent anyway??!!
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