Friday 13 May 2011

next week then

Sat: oriental beef with dumplings, stir fried chard and rice.
Sun: hopefully we will go out for the day with a picnic, and come home to throw some peanutty noodles together for supper.
Mon: sliced squds baked with cheese and baked beans and some spice.
Tues: home made ham and chicken creamy pasta bake
Weds: oven baked bacon & cherry tomato risotto + salad.
Thurs: spicy sausagemeat patties in pitta bread with lettuce & crunchy veg.
Fri: haddock chowder.

I shopped with Ocado this week, and even with the wonderfully easy to use Ocado on the go Android app helping me add those things i'd forgotten, the shop still only came to just over £50. I decided to go for the reduced priced Delivery Pass and aim to shop online twice a month.
Watch this space to see how it goes and feel free to apply for any recipes from these weeks that might tickle your fancy.!

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog clicking through someone else's profile via another link and even though I'm not quite sure how I got here, I'm glad I did!

    I'd love the recipes for your peanutty noodles and the oriental beef and dumplings. I'm trying to cook simpler and cheaper, but my crew all love different things so variety is hard - there's only a few set meals they'll *all* eat, and who wants to cook two different meals each night?
