Wednesday, 29 April 2009

this week

my week runs from Saturday to Friday, I often cook something more time consuming on the weekend and use left overs in the week, so I tend to shop on the weekend too.
Here's the plan for the week we're in currently.

Sat 25th April: pot roast chicken using leeks, carrots and potatoes from veg box, Sainsbury's basics whole fresh chicken. Use chicken carcass to make stock and keep left over meat and veg for later in the week.

Sun 26th April: use up 2 small pots of leftover sauce, cook one big pan of Basics penne pasta. Also use very tired looking lettuce from veg box and a serving of frozen peas and 3 left over rashers of Basics middle bacon to make a braised lettuce and pea with bacon "sauce" so that we have a choice of 3 pasta toppings.

Monday 27th April: broad bean and pea creamy wholewheat pasta from the Tesco Healthy Living booklet. Except housemate can't find broad beans and uses frozen sliced beans instead. I wasn't cooking cos I was helping out at Brownies having already fed my 7yr old and her multi-allergic best friend before hand. That's a WHOLE other blog! Anyway, it still tastes fine, but I have to find something else to do with those broad beans now...

Tuesday 28th April: chicken noodle soup. Using that stock made on the weekend, and yes, I did save carrot peel and celery tops to put in with the carcass. Also diced up all the leftover pot roast veg, some more veg and about half of the left over chicken. Freeze rest of chicken to use in a couple of weeks' time. Very amusing watching a 2 yr old eat noodles.

Wednesday 29th April: Basics pork chops which I saw reduced a couple of weeks ago and grabbed to shove in freezer. Defrosted overnight and then put in slowcooker along with half a red cabbage from veg box, half a pear 2yr old didn't eat, a couple of somewhat manky apples no one would otherwise eat, some wrinkly potatoes with their sprouts rubbed off, a teaspoon or so of brown sugar, a mugful of dry cider (it was the one on offer) and some salt.

Thursday 30th April (ok, so I haven't cooked these yet from here) : gammon steaks from the freezer which I bought a few weeks ago, got 2 packets of 2 on a BOGOF. Cooked 1 pack the same week I bought them and put this 1 in freezer. Gonna just pan fry or griddle it with some slowly cooked in butter leeks. No more no less, simple but yum.

Friday 1st May : cauliflower (from veg box) cheese with tinned salmon flaked through. With purple sprouting broccoli on the side, again from veg box.

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