Thursday, 22 January 2015

Butternut quinoa cashew pilaf

Very quick and easy and tasty way to use a butternut squash. 
Peel and dice a butternut squash and fry in a little olive oil with one finely chopped onion and a teaspoon of cumin seeds.
Once the onion is soft, and the squash is starting to colour and soften, add a teaspoon of Marigold powder and a pack of Pedon Bulgar and Quinoa mix or the same amount of quinoa from a packet.
Pour on about 3 mugsful of hot water and bring to the boil.  Cover and allow to simmer for 10 minutes, or follow the packet instructions.  Keep an eye on it so it doesn't boil dry though.
Add a mug of frozen peas, and half a mug of plain cashew nuts and switch off the heat but leave it to steam for 5 more minutes.  Stir well and serve.

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